The second call for projects under the Support Scheme for Research and Innovation Projects in the Fields of Energy and Water will open this coming March. This was announced by Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Developmen...
Parks Malta is conducting research into the hydrology, geology, and ecology of valley catchments, which will inform the creation of masterplans and selection of pilot projects in Malta and Gozo. Therefore, Parks Malta launched a geopo...
The Energy and Water Agency is currently undertaking an INTERREG MED project called INCIRCLE which focuses on the peculiar needs of islands and low-density areas. The IN-CIRCLE project tailors policies that address mobility, energy efficien...
Water scarcity is an issue in many countries, especially those related to the impact of climate change. Malta, one of the countries facing these issues, is working on innovative water management plans and is having success in this sec...
Due to Covid-19, the 4th application for the LIFE School Projects on Water Conservation and Awareness has been suspended for this year. However, schools that were taking part in the 3rd call for the LIFE School Projects can cont...
Preparation of Masterplans and Technical guidelines for Selected Valley Catchments in the Maltese IslandsParks Malta is responsible for Action A8 and Action C9 under the LIFE RBMP project. One of the key objectives of Action A8 is the deve...
The LIFE IP has been developed to provide coordinated support towards the comprehensive achievement of the implementation of Malta’s 2nd River Basin Management Plan (RBMP), and the achievement of the environmental obj...
The Valley Management Master Plan has been launched to increase scientific knowledge about the valleys around Malta and Gozo. This Eur17million project is part of the RBMP Life project and is being implemented by different ministries; the E...
The European Commission has launched its 2020 call for project proposals under the LIFE programme. This year, we have earmarked more than €450 million for nature conservation, environmental protection, and climate action projects. We have...
Throughout the last year, the Energy and Water Agency through the LIFE-IP RBMP-MALTA Project supported ten schools in Malta and Gozo to undertake initiatives for the promotion of rainwater harvesting and other water conservation practices. ...