The “(D)rain for life” project had two main objectives: 1) Develop four specific adapted SUDS solutions for local communities in the local setting of EstLat programme area; ...
LIFE AERFIT aims to demonstrate an innovative adaptation technology to prevent damage from urban pluvial flooding. The main objective is to prove that FHVI is an effective adaptati ...
The main expected results of this project are as follows: •Development of the UrbanProof toolkit, a web-based platform and decision-support tool for urban adaptation planning ...
LIFE DrainRain is to mitigate the environmental impact of runoff in water bodies (coastal, surface and ground waters). Currently, SUDS only drain runoff water and care needs to be ...
The CoSuDS project aimed at promoting the transition towards smart stormwater management from a collaborative perspective, bridging the gap between pilot implementation to long-ter ...
Water and wastewater facilities frequently represent the largest and most energy intensive loads owned and operated by water utilities, representing up to 35% of municipal energy u ...
The project successfully presented solutions for addressing the runoff from drained areas that previously caused environmental damage by discharging pollutants and by the physical ...
GRACC can be considered as a reasonably successful project having developed the first UK specific code of best practice for green roofs, together with supporting documents, and dem ...
The overall aims involved in the construction of the demonstration facility for green roof installations have been completed. The sustainability of such roofs in the Scandinavian c ...
LIFE CERSUDS is a demonstration project that puts into practice, evaluates and publicises Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) in a context in which these systems are new or l ...
