Project Acronym/ID: 
Project Duration: 
2012 - 2015
Project Status: 
Project Summary: 

The main aim of the project is to promote the use and encourage the use and the market penetration of aquaTest-MO product, a new water quality monitoring and control product for WWTPs based on an eco-innovative on-line monitoring of the effluent, resulting from a research project. The aquaTest-MO product allows WWTPs to run affordable on-line monitoring scheme of the process, deriving in higher quality of treated water (less time to detect problems, less time for solving problems), meaning an increased productivity of the whole system and a faster water quality control loop.

Descriptive keywords: 
Project Website:
Industrial Discharges – Enforcement Augmentation and Sustainability
Key Contacts : 

Contact Person 1:

Name: Cros Herrero Jordi   |   Email:   |    Institution : ADASA SISTEMAS S.A.U.

Contact Person 2:

Name : Sergio De Campos    |    Email :    |    Institution : ADASA SISTEMAS S.A.U.

Funding Programme Text: 