Waste Water Compliance Scheme

24 May, 2024    |   by RBMP Life   |   

Waste Water has always formed part of human civilized life and societies has always regarded this as a nuisance that needs to be removed. In today’s advanced technological society, where water has become a very scarce commodity, we are now looking at waste water as a resource that can be reused over and over again, thus aiding in the preservation of our fragile water reserves.

Useful Links

About Discharge Permit Unit - https://www.wsc.com.mt/facilities/dpu/

Treatment Plants and other information - https://www.wsc.com.mt/about-us/wastewater/

You can help! Follow these steps 3 Ps - http://www.ppp.com.mt

Rainwater Connections - https://youtu.be/VraQgAbEgdE