Progress Highlights for Phase 2 & 3

05 Jun, 2024    |   by RBMP Life   |   

As we mark the halfway point of the year, LIFE IP Malta is proud to reflect on the significant progress made in our mission to create a lasting positive impact on the environment. Our diverse range of projects is tackling some of the most pressing sustainability challenges, supports the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Malta, enhancing water resource management across the Maltese Islands. Here is a glimpse into the remarkable progress carried out during these phases.

Action C.2: Pioneering Water Eco-Label Scheme

Embark on a journey towards water conservation with the LIFE Action C.2 initiative for the Water Eco-Label scheme. By fostering a voluntary water labelling strategy, this project aims to champion water-efficient devices and appliances, paving the way for sustainable practices. Did you know? Approximately 40% of Europe's water demand can be curtailed through improved efficiency and water-saving initiatives. This aligns seamlessly with Malta’s 3rd River Basin Management Plan (RBMP), fostering awareness and education on water conservation.

  • Conducted preliminary research on ecolabels at both EU and International levels.
  • Developed a methodology for the technical operation of the Eco-label at a national scale.
  • Engaged local stakeholders and suppliers for feedback on the newly designed system.
  • Initiated the tender process for development, slated for publication in early 2023.


Action E.3: Networking for Integrated Solutions

Forge connections and collaborations with LIFE projects across the Mediterranean, focusing on themes like groundwater, coastal waters, and water demand management. Through networking initiatives, share experiences and insights to enrich the implementation of the LIFE Integrated Project.

  • Established networking with 4 LIFE projects in Malta.
  • Participated in Euro-INBO and MENBO meetings to exchange success stories and lessons learned.


Action C.13: Restoration of Coastal Wetlands

Preserve Malta’s ecological treasures by restoring the Ballut ta’ Marsaxlokk coastal wetland. Designated as a Natura 2000 site, this unique habitat faces challenges like coastal erosion and poor water flow. Take action to safeguard its biodiversity and ecological balance.

  • Conducted a comprehensive technical study on water body dynamics.
  • Submitted detailed scientific reports with restoration recommendations.
  • Planned restoration interventions to combat coastal erosion by 2026.


Action C.14: Anchoring and Mooring Surveys

Protect seabed habitats by assessing the impacts of anchoring and mooring activities. Explore management options to preserve sensitive ecosystems and marine biodiversity.

  • Conducted surveys and socioeconomic assessments.
  • Identified areas of impact and quantified environmental repercussions.
  • Proposed management options to mitigate negative effects.


Action C.16: Enhancing Oceanographic Understanding

Deepen knowledge of Malta's marine waters through hydrographic model simulations. Collaborate with experts to analyze oceanographic parameters and evaluate coastal development impacts.

  • Established an IT infrastructure for model execution.
  • Engaged in high-resolution coastal modeling for scientific investigations.
  • Explored transboundary contaminant sources for informed decision-making.


Action C.18: Monitoring Emerging Pollutants

Stay vigilant against emerging pollutants with comprehensive monitoring strategies. Collaborate with stakeholders to address water pollution from both chemicals of concern and diffuse sources.

  • Initiated a two-year screening monitoring exercise for emerging contaminants.
  • Established the National Water Table for stakeholder engagement and consultation.


Action C.7: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

The introduction of new developments and initiatives, to reshape our community for the better with greener sustainable solutions.

  • GSI Guidance Manual: A comprehensive guide for implementing Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) offers practical insights for effective stormwater management and water-harvesting techniques.
  • Knowledge Sharing Conference: A summer conference facilitated knowledge exchange among sustainability enthusiasts, sparking new ideas.
  • Empowering Strategic Framework: The Green Stormwater Strategic Framework empowers informed decision-making for sustainable GSI adoption.
  • Collaborative Resilience Projects: Ongoing demo projects demonstrate the transformative potential of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and GSI, fostering community resilience.