Project Acronym/ID: 
Project Duration: 
2010 - 2013
Project Status: 
Funding Programme: 
Project Summary: 

The project successfully presented solutions for addressing the runoff from drained areas that previously caused environmental damage by discharging pollutants and by the physical impact of higher flows. The project’s six SUDS demonstration sites in Xativa and Benaguasil, where these solutions were applied, showcased for southern European regions the development of a sustainable drainage culture. A key project output was providing demonstrated protocols for new and sustainable storm water management at the urban scale in Mediterranean municipalities.

The project demonstrated the value of SUDS in reducing electricity consumption, and therefore CO2 emissions, through urban water management and on buildings (e.g. green roofs). Water and wastewater facilities are some of largest and most energy-intensive installations owned and operated by local governments, representing up to 35% of municipal energy use. SUDS can reduce energy consumption by, for instance, reducing the inflow of storm water into sewer systems and hence the energy consumed in the treatment and pumping of wastewater; reducing local “heat islands” through shading of building surfaces to lessen cooling and heating demand; and saving on the use of drinking water by using rainwater for irrigation and street cleaning.

Importantly, the AQUAVAL project led to the SUDS approach being explicitly supported by regional policy, in particular, the regional flooding legislation PATRICOVA (November 2013). The regulation states that, in regards of storm water management: “The use of SUDS will be promoted in all municipalities within the Region of Valencia”.

Descriptive keywords: 
Project Website: 
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Key Contacts : 

Eduardo Balaguer Pallas  |  |   Ajuntament de Xàtiva

Funding Programme Text: